If the Library does not have a book or journal you need, we can get it for you! Click the link above and complete an Interlibrary loan (ILL) request form OR talk to a librarian and we will help you find what you need.
Call the library @ (252) 985-5350
Email the library @ reference@ncwu.edu
Databases with full-text articles on a variety of disciplines. A good place to start for almost any subject.
A Database with brief, summary information on a wide range of topics - a good place to start your research to learn more about your topic.
Databases with pro/con articles on current issues of the day.
Access Individual Databases by Topic/Subject or by Title
Best bets for search success:
Video on Database Searching Basics:
For videos on searching specific databases:
Search across many of our databases at once with Summon.
This is the same search as the long search box on the library homepage.
Summon provides a single unified search across journals, magazines, newspapers, eBooks, streaming video, images, and research guides. Note: it does not provide access to our physical collections; to find a print book or DVD, search the library catalog. For more about Summon and how to use it, click here.
Journal Finder is a searchable database that allows you to determine whether the library provides electronic access to a specific journal, magazine, or newspaper title.